
Our Mission Statement is found in 2 Timothy, 2:21

“We will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”

History of GCM: We are a nonprofit nondenominational Christian mission organization.  Though our organization was founded in 2007, many of our members have worked as short term missionaries for 25 years and more. Our Primary Workplace is Northern Haiti. Our members have also worked in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Israel, Russia, Jamaica, Peru, and the U.S. Our Objective is to provide help in the form of manpower, funding, logistics and whatever else is needed in support of other Christian mission organizations and full time missionaries. Our Work Involves: Evangelism, Bible schools, and food packaging. Distribution of food, clothing and Bibles. Building houses, churches, schools, orphanages and clinics. Teaching hygiene, first aid, sewing, gardening, practical trade skills. In all, our primary goal is to

Spread the good news about Jesus Christ!