The Needed Lift

I recently read a devotion by Forrest Zander I would like to share…

The Needed Lift

Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

Missionary pilot Forrest Zander told of landing on a remote airstrip that was so middy the plane sunk into the mire to it’s axles. There was no safe way to take off again nor was it practical to disassemble the plane and transport it back to base. Forrest decided to try to take ogg but how could he work up the speed needed to become airborne? It was a short runway of nothing but mud.

“Lord, help!” was his prayer

As he lifted his head from prayer, he saw a black rain cloud barreling toward him. As the storm approached, the wind began to blow, and that provided lift to the wings, reducing the load on the landing gear. The wheels began to plow through the mud, and aided by the strong headwings the plane suddenly popped free from the mire and was unstuck and airborne.

How incredible that sometimes God uses storms to help us!

Your prayers for help are heard by the Lord, and if you feel stuck in life, trust Him for a much needed lift.

During the current time and changes due to COVID, Global Compassion Ministries has been unable to travel into Haiti. During this time, we need to remember, God can provide the headwind. be patient a wait. Pray the Lord continues to uplift our desire to work for Him, that our hearts do not grow weary in doing good, provides the financial resources to support missions and the unity of His people.

Terry Estes


Even in lockdown, God’s ministry moves forward.