He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” - Mark 16:15
Hands of Faith
Our Mission
“We will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 2 Timothy, 2:21
Haiti Container 2020
Global Compassion Ministries has been helping to send a container to Haiti with supplies for Global to do ministry in the Northwest and to get supplies to several established missions so they can continue to do the work God has called them to, This year due to long term unrest in Haiti and the pandemic many missions were in dire need of supplies to keep their work going. GCM was able to ship needed supplies over 10 missions and missionaries, including hospitals and children’s home and other Haitian friends. The Lord Blessed this container! It was picked up in Missouri on July 14th and delivered to Global Outreach on August 20th unopened with locks and seals still in place. Praise the Lord!! Thank you to all who helped physically, financially and most of all prayerfully!
From Real Hope for Haiti Hospital: Thank you so much for your generousity and kindness and providing space for 5 pallets of medical supplies, this space has helped our clinic to function and provide care that saved lives and provide healing to many.
From St. Ard Hopsital: Oh, my heart is happy! We are in desperate need of so many of these supplies, blessed beyond measure!
From La Limye Children’s Home: Thank you to all, my storage room has been empty, by not having teams for two years due to unrest in Haiti, but now it is full!
From Dr. Mark Fulton: Hospital in Saintard in Zon Arcahaie. This is in the town with La Limye Childrens Home and works with Ellen.
Cheryl Russell
Even in lock down,
God’s ministry moves forward.
Over the past several months we have had to get creative with ministry ideas. God’s work never stops, pauses or hesitates in the face of uncertainty. The testing of our faith has always and will always increase our resolve and perseverance.
I’m reminded of Thomas Edison’s teacher who said, “he was too stupid to learn anything,” and yet, after 1000 tries, he invented the light bulb.
Over the past 20 years we have been tested on multiple fronts and yet today I can report, we have chickens, we have goats, we have fresh drinking water in desert plateau, we have micro businesses and work for food programs that are producing a better quality of life for the poor, the needy, the homeless and the downtrodden but most of all we are impacting souls with God’s love, passion and power.
I’m always honored to be surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses who for the sake of the call, go, and understand the power of a fresh glass of water, in Jesus Name.
Karl Leiber
Hands of Faith
Even though it’s been a challenging year Hands of Faith has had a blessed year! Through the help of sponsors and donations we were able to purchase school supplies, fabric for uniforms, and shoes for the upcoming school year. Wood was also purchased to help with building much needed shelves for storage. All of the materials safely reached School of Philadelphia at the end of September and the pastor was overjoyed with everything they received. The new school year will start in November and the school will grow to include a 5th grade class along with another preschool class. If you would like to become a sponsor or to find out more of what Hands of Faith is doing please visit us on Facebook or Instagram @handsoffaith or our website www.globalcompassionministries/hof.com.
Andrea Lange
“With the support from our contributors, we have been able to serve our Global Communities better than ever.”
- Global Compassion Ministries
The Needed Lift
I recently read a devotion by Forrest Zander I would like to share…
The Needed Lift
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10
Missionary pilot Forrest Zander told of landing on a remote airstrip that was so middy the plane sunk into the mire to it’s axles. There was no safe way to take off again nor was it practical to disassemble the plane and transport it back to base. Forrest decided to try to take off but how could he work up the speed needed to become airborne? It was a short runway of nothing but mud.
“Lord, help!” was his prayer
As he lifted his head from prayer, he saw a black rain cloud barreling toward him. As the storm approached, the wind began to blow, and that provided lift to the wings, reducing the load on the landing gear. The wheels began to plow through the mud, and aided by the strong headwinds the plane suddenly popped free from the mire and was unstuck and airborne.
How incredible that sometimes God uses storms to help us!
Your prayers for help are heard by the Lord, and if you feel stuck in life, trust Him for a much needed lift.
During the current time and changes due to COVID, Global Compassion Ministries has been unable to travel into Haiti. During this time, we need to remember, God can provide the headwind. be patient a wait. Pray the Lord continues to uplift our desire to work for Him, that our hearts do not grow weary in doing good, provides the financial resources to support missions and the unity of His people.
Terry Estes
Kids Against Hunger
Kids Against Hunger recently held the first two packings since COVID changed all of our lives. These were my first packings, and I thoroughly enjoyed them both! What a joy, packing meals that we know will help suffering people in Haiti. Knowing that Kids Against Hunger in St. Peters was established with the specific purpose of spreading the Gospel in Haiti, gives me an incredibly high level of motivation to participate and encourage others to do the same.
Dan Vincent, who is in the process of teaching me the behind-the-scenes ropes, set everything up online and on-site in the mall. We had a few no-shows, but there were enough of the old vets on hand to fell the holes. Karl Leiber was especially helpful in slowing down the over-productive volunteers, so they could enjoy more relationship building! Temperatures were taken at the door, masks were worn, and we social distanced as much as possible.
We have two more packings scheduled in November, and we are looking forward to seeing what God has in mind regarding the future for this ministry. COVID very well might be a catalyst to move us in directions we wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. God knows what He is doing. We just want to be open to His leading, and obedient to His calling.
Stephen Williams
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(314) 712-1243